How does OpenStack Scheduler make decisions?

One of the products I support is OpenStack Cinder. This requires me to deep dive and dig through various Cinder workflows including how Cinder scheduler makes decisions.

I’ve found that most customers don’t change much in the way of Cinder’s default options. And more often than not, most folks don’t really understand why Cinder makes the decisions that it does. You don’t want to find out late Friday afternoon that Cinder scheduler is continuing to select the nearly full storage pool instead of that brand new, empty storage pool you just created.

After being on a few P1 calls, and helping customers understand and fix common scheduler issues, I decided to record the following webinar. It’s a little over 30 minutes and covers some basics with Cinder scheduler. It’s not intended to be a comprehensive review of all things Cinder. But if you’re managing an OpenStack environment…and you’ve never really thought about why Cinder scheduler does what it does…I think the following would be of interest: